foreGestalt · Men's forechoice in foreskin restoration

Reclaim your foreskin with ease and take your intimate experiences to new heights! Discover your new self with foreGestalt!

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Driven by our believe that reclaiming your foreskin should be an enjoyable, fun and rewarding experience, we designed an extremely comfortable and unobtrusive foreskin restoration device – the  patent pending foreGestalt companion

It can be worn in several modalities. The easiest and recommended way is the use of the tensioning strap. It is part of every standard kit. It gives you all the freedom you need during your daily activities, no matter whether you are at work, engage in sports or take a nap. We also offer an expert kit for experienced users who know what they do, have gained experience with interpreting their body signals correctly, know their limits and are open-minded to experimentation. It comes with the standard tensioning strap and an additional pair of tensioning frames (one with a static cushion, the other with a bracket featuring a height-adjustable elastic band). These frames distribute the tensioning forces differently, and thus allow to somewhat shorten the effective skin expansion period (when used responsibly).

Currently, we offer three foreGestalt standard sizes – small, medium and large – which fit most men. Personalized sizes (and shapes) are available upon request as well.

Before you start shopping, please consider this short note from the foreGestalt team: We know that foreGestalt devices are a little more expensive with respect to competitive products due to a (still) time-consuming, elaborate and mostly manual manufacturing process. We never intended to become rich through this enterprise (which we will not), but rather help out like-minded guys with the same fate as ours/yours. We therefore suggest to look for less-costly alternatives on the market before taking the purchase of a foreGestalt companion into account. Yet, if you ran out of options, are nevertheless curious or wish to speed up the restoration process, and if you can afford the price tag and the long wait (currently ~ 8 weeks) (including glitches along the way), we are certainly happy to take your order. Nevertheless, as most often in life, there is a ‘but:’ Although foreGestalt companions are very effective in creating a tight surrogate foreskin, they do not work miracles; success very much depends on one’s dedication and discipline. In short: Make up your mind, make your (fore)choice. And patience will help greatly too.

Please also note that – in addition to the order fulfilment delay – the current pandemic has slowed down overseas deliveries considerably. Instead of the usual 10-14 business days, delivery times may take 25-45 days. Unfortunately, this situation is beyond our control. We very much appreciate your understanding and patience!




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